Pool heaters are a wonderful way to maximize your swimming pool season. We offer the most technologically advanced swimming pool heaters for both in ground and above ground pools. Trusted name brand manufacturers such as Hayward®, Teledyne/Laars®, Minimax®, Raypak®, Max-E-Therm®, Sta-Rite® and Lochinvar®. We also carry the best heat pumps from Jandy® and Aqua Pro Systems® for both in ground and above ground pools. When ordering a heater for use at over 5,000 feet elevation, please call in for pricing and availability. EXPERT ADVICE customerservice@pcpools.com. Solar pool covers can increase water temperature by as much as 10 to15 degrees. Also known as "blankets," they practically function as a vapor barrier. Heating your in ground pool without a solar pool cover is a waste of energy and money. It is more cost effective to invest in a high-quality in ground solar pool cover. When used in conjunction with an in ground solar pool heater, it may be all the heat your swimming pool needs. Our extremely efficient SunGrabber® and Solar Bear® in ground solar pool heaters are constructed to meet your swimming pool requirements. They have the maximum thermal performance rating in the industry; you will receive the greatest energy cost savings. These solar pool heating systems can be mounted on a rack, on a nearby roof or on the ground. We carry the most technologically advanced pool heaters for both above ground and in ground pools: Lochinvar®, Max-E-Therm®, Teledyne/Laars®, Raypak®, Hayward®, Sta-Rite® and Minimax®. We also offer the top of the line heat pumps from Aqua Pro Systems® and Jandy®. Please call for availability and prices if ordering a heater for use at more than 5,000 feet elevation. Professional advice: email customerservice@pcpools.com. Need a lightweight, compact and efficient gas fired high-performance heater for your above ground pool, small in ground pool or spa? Connect to schedule the MiniMax®, 100 above ground pool heater to ABS or 40 CPVC pipe, for example. Its dependable direct-spark ignition (DSI) system is available in either natural gas or propane versions. Perfect for a one-person installation, this heater is light weight with a low profile and installs to 3,500 ft. altitude. One of our best heaters year after year is the Hayward®. It delivers 100,000 BTU’s efficiently and cleanly. The electronic, direct-spark ignition and induced draft heater ensure maximum heating and all-weather operation. The Hayward® is easily installed: just plug it into the 120 volt electric cord. Check out all of our pool heaters online or call for professional help to aid in choosing the perfect heater for your pool. Perhaps you are interested in a heat pump for pools up to 18,000 gallons. The Aqua Pro Systems™ produces the most efficient above ground swimming pool heat pumps in the U.S. Since heat pumps operate on electricity, they discharge no dangerous contaminants into the air such as propane and natural gas. The self diagnostic codes aid in determining any issues.